August 30, 2014
“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." James 1:2-4
These verses have rang in my head a lot since my last post. We have certainly been working towards that patience and perfection!! :) It’s definitely been a challenging week here at Familia Feliz. Aside from recovery ing from my surgery, so much has happened. Satan has attacked with fury it seems. But God’s Grace has once again proved sufficient for the trials we were faced with and has gotten us through again.
A group pic, minus a few students that went home over the weekend.
Victoria is in the pink shirt and Anissa is in the turquoise shirt (both on the left)...our two new female volunteers!
Last Thursday, after being released from the hospital, I spent ALL day working on renewing my residency. The morning started at 7:30 and I didn’t get back to the hotel until after 8:30 that night. It was a long day to say the least. But the Lord is Faithful and worked everything out so that I could finish it all that day…and, in my personal opinion, worked a miracle in that I was able to walk and stand all that I needed to that day, without hurting myself.
That next Friday, Victoria and I flew back to Rurre. Anissa had to stay in Santa Cruz to finish some documents, but would join us in Rurre on Sunday. It felt SOOOO good to be back at Familia Feliz, in my own room/bed and with the kids! They have all been very supportive and have gone out of their way to help me since I’ve been back. I am truly blessed. :)
That Friday night, I went to the Army base for the Bible study. I missed it the week before because I was in the hospital and really wanted to be there this time. I know I miss out on a blessing when I’m not there. I was able to lead out the study (albeit sitting down instead of standing up like normal) and that was nice. It did my spirits well to spend that time with the young men at the base and welcome the Sabbath with them.
Last Sabbath, we stayed on campus for church and had a relaxing Sabbath. I’ve definitely had to take things easier after the surgery and get tired faster. The Lord knew I needed those hours of rest on the Sabbath to be ready for the challenges that awaited me with the start of the new week.
Here’s a quick summary of this week’s “events”:
- Jancy left Familia Feliz this past Monday to accept a call to serve in Guyana. He will truly be missed! That meant we were one male staff short.
- I had my stitches removed on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday, my incision starting bleeding, so I spent all day Wednesday in bed, resting (as much as I could, anyway). My recovery is going well, just slow at times. :) I find myself getting tired much easier and have to rest.
- About six parents came this week to get previous grade records for their students, who are currently set to graduate this November. Without these documents, they cannot graduate. One girl, however, was never entered in the system in 2009. Therefore, I cannot issue her a grade document. I had to go to the Ministry of Education several times to find a remedy for this problem…and one in a timely manner so that she can graduate on time.
- 5 of the 7 staff members got a virus this week, along with 7 of our students. School had to be cancelled on Thursday. One of our girls had to be admitted to the hospital.
- The mother of one our students, Benjamin, was harvesting oranges this week and fell out of the tree. She fractured her spine and had to be transported to La Paz. Benjamin had to accompany her, as she couldn’t travel alone. She has to have surgery to put in four screws in her spine. The surgery will cost about $3000 usd. They are still paying for Benjamin’s heard surgery from two years ago. So please keep this family and their financial situation in your prayers.
- Sergio, the owner of Narguila’s and my dear friend, had to have emergency surgery this Thursday to remove his gall bladder.
- Jordan, our third new volunteer, arrived on Friday. We are excited about having him!!
- John is leaving tomorrow to head back to Uruguay and will no longer be here helping us. :( He has been a big blessing to us and, like Jancy, will be sorely missed.
- The clutch started going out on the big truck.
- There was no propane in town and we were on our last tank.
- The student that was sexually assaulted over the break became very depressed and was considering suicide. We had to have a long talk and then I took her to talk to a psychologist in town. Thank the Lord, she is doing much better now, but will start weekly therapy sessions.
This is aside from the daily responsibilities of teaching, cleaning, deaning, disciplining, etc. :) So yeah…a pretty hectic week, full of challenges and trials. But, as the verses above say, “patience will have her perfect work.” Amen! :)
The Bible study at the base this past Friday was a much needed blessing. We are almost finished with this Bible study series. Tomorrow, Sunday August 31st, we start out weeklong evangelistic series at the Army base. We will have meetings every night at 7:00 leading up to our special service on next Sabbath, which will include a baptism, lunch with the soldiers, a parade in the afternoon and games that night. The soldiers are very excited (as are we!). Then, the following Sunday (Sept. 7th), we start another weeklong series at the Navy base in town. That will be our first meetings with the Navy, so we are very excited about this door that God is opening and ask that you pray for all 160 Navy soldiers, especially those that will be in attendance in the meetings.
The kids doing special music at the Bible study
Soldiers singing with enthusiasm! :)
Today, we wen to to church at Nueva Esperanza. Jonatan led out the Sabbath school class and it was my week to preach. The older boys had special music. Even the two new female SM’s participated. Victoria did the mission spotlight by sharing her testimony of how she came here to Bolivia and Anissa accompanied Jhoel (one of our students) and I up front for the divine service. They really hit the ground running here at Familia Feliz! :) We had a good service though. I am so very thankful for the blessing that is the Sabbath and the rest that accompanies it…especially after this past week! :)
Josue discovered my shaving cream and decided to shave for the first time, even though he has absolutely NO facial hair whatsoever! lol. :)
I pray that your week has gone well and you have felt God’s Presence is a new and real way this week, no matter what you had to face this week. His Grace is sufficient at all times and in ALL situations!
May God bless you in a very special way today!
Oraremos por las dificultades surgidas en estos días. Dios es poderoso y dará la salida para cada situación. Porque: "En mi angustia invoqué a Jehová y clamé a mi Dios. Él oyó mi voz desde su Templo y mi clamor llegó hasta sus oídos" (Salmos 18:6). "¡Bendito sea Jehová, que oyó la voz de mis ruegos! Jehová es mi fortaleza y mi escudo; en Él confió mi corazón y fui ayudado, por lo que se gozó mi corazón. Con mi cántico lo alabaré" (Salmos 28: 6 y 7).
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